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Influence of social interactions on cognitive development, Learning through joint play and activities in the classroom and home, Early mathematics and problem-solving skills, Family math context, Development of peer cooperation
Research and professional interests include providing professional development for pre-service and in-service teachers that supports their work in creating classroom community and implementing research-based teaching methodologies and instructional approaches.
Immigration/Immigrants and education; Education policy; Racial/Ethnic identity; Youth activism; School-based personnel advocacy for immigrant students; Community-school partnerships; Ethnography, Case Study, and Mixed-Methods Designs;
Language of schooling; language diversity; second language teaching, English learners.
Brain development from infancy through adolescence; language and literacy development; socioeconomic status and early adversity; the role of early experiences on neurocognitive development; equity in education and learning
Social and emotional development, Developmental Psychopathology, peer relationships, parenting and parent-child relationships, culture
Dr. Sanchez’s scholarship focuses on the effects of racism and health disparities on mental and behavioral health outcomes of diverse Black and Latinx adolescent and emerging adult populations. Central to her work is identifying and incorporating cultural-specific protective constructs into her research design and interventions to advance mental health and behavioral interventions for youth of color. Dr. Sanchez is collaborating on a multi-year NIH-R01 grant assessing current race-related stressors (COVID hardships, police interactions/ brutality, immigration policy), critical consciousness, and three domains of emotional and behavioral health (EBH): emotional well-being, mental health problems, and substance use among Baltimore City youth. The primary objective of this work is to optimize individual- and systems-level interventions to promote equity in well-being for youth of color using a strengths-based approach. Dr. Sanchez is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Latinx Psychology and on the Editorial Board of The Journal of Counseling Psychology and Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.
Research interests include emergent literacy, family literacy, cognitive style, and play.
Civic Education, Democracy Education, Teaching for Civic Engagement, Teaching for Social Justice, Social Studies Education, Teacher Education for Pre-Service Teachers, Professional Development for Social Studies Teachers, Community-Based Learning and Student Service-Learning
Queer- and trans-spectrum college students, college student sense of belonging, curricular approaches to learning outside the classroom and residential curriculums, as well as the experiences of live-in professional staff within residential life and housing on college campuses. 

More specifically, Pamela is currently exploring queer- and trans-spectrum students' sense of belonging in on-campus residence halls, as well as how live-in professional staff within the residential setting can impact queer- and trans-spectrum students' sense of belonging.