Maryland Institute for Minority Achievement and Urban Education (MIMAUE)

Dr. Stephanie Timmons-Brown


Dr. Stephanie Timmons-Brown

Dr. Timmons-Brown

Stephanie Timmons Brown is the executive director of the Maryland Institute for Minority Achievement and Urban Education (MIMAUE) and senior faculty research associate in the College of Education at the Ë¿¹Ïapp College Park. She has served as the PI or co-PI on several grants, including two NSF grants, one NIH research grant, one NSA grant, and several state grants. She has developed, implemented, and studied educational programs designed to transition underrepresented minority students into college, with a particular emphasis on STEM-related college majors and careers. Over the past twelve years and through genuine partnerships, she has worked with multiple Prince George’s County and Baltimore City schools to develop programs to help underserved students realize their academic potential and embrace their academic identities. She also mentors and advises several undergraduate and graduate students, advising students on academic courses, their research, and academic integration. Her research interests include understanding effective strategies to increase the college awareness of underrepresented minority (URM) middle school and high school students, to help underserved minority students persist and graduate from higher education institutions, and to understand how URM  parents’ use their social capital to help their students navigate the college application process. Dr. Timmons Brown holds a B.S. from the University of California Berkeley and a Ph.D. in educational policy from the University of Virginia.