Language policy; dual language bilingual education; critical geographic approaches to education policy; neoliberal ideologies; codeswitching/translanguaging.

Katharine (Katie) Glanbock is a doctoral student in the Applied Linguistics and Language Education program. She conducts interdisciplinary research focusing on bilingualism and bilingual education, with research foci spanning various social, political, and cognitive dimensions of language. Her primary research interests include: Codeswitching/ translanguaging; language policy; the political economy of language; and the gentrification of bilingual education in the U.S.

Prior to her doctoral studies, Katie did her undergraduate degree in Linguistics and Philosophy at Brandeis University, where she also undertook extensive study of Mandarin Chinese. She later received a Fulbright grant to teach English as a foreign language at a rural elementary school in Kinmen, an island in the Republic of China. She has also taught in Chinese immersion classrooms for elementary school-age children through STARTALK,  a federal grant program managed and funded by the National Security Agency.

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT)


  • Glanbock, K. & Polat, N. (forthcoming). Bilingual education research in the U.S.: A critical analysis of neoliberal ideologies in dual language programs. In C. Shei and D. L. Chao (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning in the New Global Context. Routledge.
  • MacSwan, J., Auer, P., & Glanbock K. (forthcoming). Codeswitching. In M. Aronoff (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in linguistics. Oxford University Press.
  • Glanbock, K. (2023). [Review of book Policy Development in TESOL and Multilingualism: Past, Present and the Way Forward, by K. Raza, C. Coombe, & D. Reynolds]. Language Policy. 
  • Glanbock, K. (2020). [Review of book Decolonizing Foreign Language EducationThe Misteaching of English and Other Colonial Languages, by D. Macedo]. Language Policy, 20, 135137. 

Conference Presentations:

  • Zong, J., & Glanbock, K. (2024, April). Enhancing Intercultural Language Education in Chinese Immersion Classrooms: Exploring Teachers' Perspectives and Challenges [Roundtable Presentation]. Transdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literacy in Educational Research, College Park, MD, United States. 
  • Glanbock, K., & Durham, C. (2020, October). Affordances and Constraints of Fluid Language Practices in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms [Roundtable presentation]. American Association for Applied Linguistics. 
  • Glanbock, K., Durham, C., & Martin-Beltr獺n, M. (2019, October). In your Country: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Pre-service Teachers and Students Discursively Co-constructing Trans-national Identity. Paper accepted by the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA, United States. 
  • Leung, G., Lin, S., Lee, C., Glanbock, K., & Wesselhoff, A. (2018, April). I'm not just a performing monkey": Native English-speaking teachers negotiate professional identities in Taiwan. Panel at the International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Yang, J.-K., Leung, G., Glanbock, K. & Wesselhoff,  A. (2018,  April). Examining adult EFL narrative development: Taiwanese university students' Frog Story narratives and narrative strategies [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan.


TLPL662: Second Language Acquisition (Instructor of record)
TLPL443: Understanding Cross-Cultural Communication for Teaching English Language Learners (Instructor of record)
TLPL646: Linguistics in Education (Instructional assistant)
TLPL688G: Linguistic Diversity and English Learners in Secondary Classrooms (Instructional assistant)
TLPL453: Life in Two Languages: Understanding Bilingual Communities and Individuals (Instructional assistant)