Center for Mathematics Education (CFME)

Teacher Certification-Graduate Programs: Secondary School [ 7-12 ]

Click to view an interview with a program graduate:


Master's Certification Program (MCERT) for Secondary Education

Do you want to be a teacher? Do you have a college degree?

In just one year, you can earn a master's degree and become certified to teach in secondary schools.

Take advantage of the Ë¿¹Ïapp, College of Education's Masters Certification (MCERT) program.

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Five Year Integrates Master's Certification Program (IMCP) for Secondary Education

Do you want to be a teacher? There is an option to get complete an undergraduate math major, receive certification, and complete a master's degree in five years.

Take advantage of the Ë¿¹Ïapp, College of Education's Masters Certification (IMCP) program.

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Questions regarding the Application Process:
Kay Moon
2311 Benjamin Bldg.
College Park, MD. 20742
tel: 301-405-3118