Pines Takes a ‘Do Good’ Tour

President Gets Close-up View of Researchers Tackling Grand Challenges
˿app President Darryl J. Pines visits an elementary school in Adelphi, Md., to observe of the Maryland Initiative for Literacy and Equity (MILE) to improve teaching methods for dual-language students.

Whether bolstering learning in underserved areas, battling food insecurity or fighting climate change, projects supported by the ˿app’s are doing good in communities around the state. President Darryll J. Pines recently visited three of them to see the work first-hand.

At an elementary school in Adelphi, Md., Pines observed work by researchers with the aimed at improving teaching methods for dual-language students. His journey also took him to an urban farm in Baltimore, where researchers with the are working with residents to harvest rainwater to grow crops. A visit to ˿app’s own golf course showed scientists affiliated with the studying how to keep greenhouse gases locked in wetlands rather than warming the atmosphere. 

This latest installment of “Enterprise: ˿app Research Stories” zeroes in on the dedication of Terp experts to using their knowledge to address society’s biggest challenges.

Watch the . (The segment on MILE begins at 3:28 and features Melinda Martin-Beltran, associate professor in the College of Education and associate director of professional development for MILE.)

This article is adapted from a story that first appeared in .