Middle school students collaborate on project in classroom

Secondary Education Minor

The minor in Secondary Education provides opportunities for undergraduate subject area majors to enroll in a sequence of education courses that helps them to determine if teaching is a viable career option for them. The 15 credit minor may be taken prior to admission into a teacher preparation program. If an undergraduate student pursuing the minor desires to enter an education track, the candidate may apply for the dual major program to obtain certification as a secondary education classroom teacher through completion of a Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) approved program option. Some of the courses undergraduates take to complete the Minor in Secondary Education may also be applicable toward certification options at the post-baccalaureate level offered through TLPL. These individuals should consult with an advisor in Student Services to identify the most appropriate option leading to teacher certification and to review the specific admission requirements associated with these programs.

Students interested in the Minor in Secondary Education can apply at any time. In order to add the minor, a student must

  1. be enrolled in a certifiable content area major (i.e. Math, English, History, etc), and
  2. have a minimum 2.75 cumulative Ë¿¹Ïapp GPA. 

Students interested in declaring the Minor in Secondary Education should contact the Office of Student Services via email at educminors@umd.edu to schedule an advising appointment. Eligible students are accepted to the minor on a rolling basis.

Students interested in learning more about the Minor in Secondary Education should contact the Office of Student Services via email at educminors@umd.edu or by phone at 301-405-2364.

Students currently registered in the Minor in Secondary Education should contact via email educminors@umd.edu for advising assistance.

The secondary education minor includes coursework from Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership. The curriculum provides a foundation in adolescent development and creating a classroom community with diverse learners along with an introductory methods course in one of the core secondary areas: Art, English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, World Languages (WL).

A total of 15 credits are required.  All courses presented for the minor must be passed with a grade of “C-“or better.  A cumulative GPA of 2.75 is required for enrollment in the secondary education introductory methods I course.  

No more than six of the required credits (or two courses) may be taken at an institution other than the Ë¿¹Ïapp, College Park.


Program Plan




Course Title





EDHD 413



TLPL 481









Total Credits




15 required



See below side for a list of approved courses:





EDHD 413 Adolescent Development 

(Students in the Terrapin Teacher program should take TLPL 414.)

TLPL 481 Embracing Diversity in the Classroom Community


Select one of the following foundation courses


TLPL 101 & TLPL 102

Inquiry Approach to Teaching STEM (Step 1) and Inquiry Teaching of STEM in Middle School (Step 2)

(Students that select this option must take both TLPL 101 and TLPL 102. )

TLPL 286 Accelerated Introduction to STEM Teaching

TLPL 250 Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education

TLPL 360 Foundations of Education


Select one of the following electives (*Other courses may be approved. Consult with your advisor.)


Cultural/Identity Studies

AASP 100 Introduction to African American Studies

AASP 202 Black Culture in the United States

AAST 201 Asian American History

AAST 222 Immigration and Ethnicity in America

HIST 106 American Jewish Experience

WGSS 200 Introduction to WGSS: Gender, Power, and Society

LGBT 200 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies

LGBT 264 Quare/Queer Contentions: Exploration of Sexualities in the Black Community

LACS 234 Issues in Latin American and Caribbean Studies I

ANTH 264 Immigration Policy, Immigrant Lives (Special Interest Areas )

Special Interest Areas

TLPL 206 Forbidden Books: Censorship of Children's and Young Adult Literature

TLPL 287 Inquiry Into Issues in US Public Schooling: Policies, Practice and Promise

TLPL 443 Understanding Cross-Cultural Communication for Teaching English Language Learners

TLPL 453 Life in Two Languages: Understanding Bilingual Communities and Individuals

TLPL 457 Literature for Adolescents

EDHD 426 Cognitive and Motivational Literacy Content


Select one of the following secondary education introductory methods*:


TLPL 401** Student-Centered Curriculum and Instruction 

(This option is for students in the Terrapin Teacher program.)

TLPL 433 Foundations of Art Education

TLPL 451 Teaching and Learning in Secondary Education: English

TLPL 445 Methods I: K-12 World Language Methods and Technology

TLPL 470 Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Secondary Social Studies

*I understand that I need a 2.75 GPA to enroll in this course    

**Prerequisites to TLPL 401: TLPL 101 and TLPL 102, |or| TLPL 286

Program Requirements and Major Four Year Plans

Admission to the Minor in Secondary Education is available on an ongoing basis. 

Visit the undergraduate studies webpage for information on undergraduate forms and policies.