Teacher observes students painting

Art Education, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Double Major Program: Art Education / Studio Art

The 佪圖apps Art Education Program is recognized for its intensive coursework and extensive applied learning designed to fully prepare future art educators for todays diverse schools.

The Art Education / Studio Art Program embraces the artist-teacher concept which allows students to develop a strong studio practice while preparing to teach art at the P-12 level in todays diverse schools.  It provides a solid foundation in the liberal arts as well as knowledge and specialized skills in studio arts, art history, educational best practices / teaching strategies, curriculum planning / writing and classroom management.  Thus, it creates a balance between the studio arts, art history, educational theory and best practice needs of successful future teachers.

We emphasize that our interns are the future leaders of their field and were preparing them to assume that  role immediately upon being hired!

Under the supervision of faculty members, students receive pre-kindergarten through 12th grade (P-12) applied learning experiences in each art education course and also participate in an After School Arts Program at a local school during the junior year.  In their senior year students become immersed in a Year Long Internship.  During the Fall Semester they have the opportunity to spend a designated time each week in assigned field placement schools - elementary and secondary - to get to know the school, their mentor, students, day-to-day teaching as well as curriculum and instructional duties.  During the Spring Semester they return to the same schools / mentors to student- teach full time in each placement. 

The Year Long Internship experience is a most critical and valuable component of this teacher education program. It provides each candidate with an opportunity to gain the initial skills necessary to become an effective beginning art teacher as they observe, analyze, plan, teach, evaluate and reflect not only on their own teaching practice but also on their students learning.

For information on undergraduate admission to the University, please .  

Once admitted to the University, students in the College of Education must meet the Selective Admissions requirements in order to proceed into the Professional portion of the Art Education program.  The Selective Admissions requirements for the Art Education program are as follows:

Academic Requirements

  • Completion of a minimum of 45 credits
  • Cumulative 佪圖app GPA of 2.75 or higher; 3.0 GPA is recommended for best consideration
  • Completion of lower-level Fundamental English requirement with a C- or better
  • Completion of lower-level Fundamental Math requirement with a C- or better
  • Minimum passing scores on a Basic Skills Tests (see advisor for details)

Gateway Courses

  • Satisfactory completion of TLPL 433  with a B- or better
  • Satisfactory completion of the upper level content area courses.  Consult Advisor for content area GPA requirement.

Experiential Requirements

  • Prior experience in the education field with youth in the age range you intend to teach
  • A written goal statement
  • Two letters of recommendation (one must be from a faculty member or instructor in  your content area)
  • Satisfactory rating on the College of Education Foundational Competencies/Model Code of Ethics for Educators 

STEP ONE: Apply for .

       Once admitted to the University, proceed to Step Two after working with a COE Academic Advisor.

STEP TWO:  Please submit your application to the Professional Teacher Education Program online using this site.

Please contact the Office of Student Services, ed-advising@umd.edu, or 301-405-2364.

For more information visit the COE Undergraduate Advising website.

For a list of the College of Education Scholarship opportunities please click here.   

Art Education/Studio Art Double Major Four Year Plan

Program Notes: 

~ Some courses for the major may also count toward the General Education requirements.

~ **All students must complete two Distributive Studies courses that are approved for I-series courses.

~ The Understanding Plural Societies and Cultural Competence courses may also fulfill Distributive Studies categories.

Year 1

Art Education/Studio Art Double Major, Year 1
ENGL 101 (AW)3Oral Communication (OC)3
Natural Science with Lab (NL)**4Mathematics (MA)3
ARTT 100 (SP)3History/Social Sciences (HS)3
ARTT 150 (HU)3ARTT 2003
UNIV 1012ARTH 200 (HU)3
Total Credits15Total Credits15

Benchmark Requirements: AW with C- or higher; MA with C- or higher; Must be completed by the end of two semesters.


Year 2

Art Education/Studio Art Double Major, Year 2


ARTT 110 (SP)33xx or 4xx ARTH course3
ARTH 201 (HU)3Analytic Reasoning (AR)3
Natural Science (NS)**3ARTT 2553
Foreign Language (see ARHU advisor for details)3Foreign Language (see ARHU advisor for details)3
ARTT 2103

TLPL 250: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education OR

TLPL 360: Foundations of Education

Total Credits15Total Credits15
Benchmark Requirements:  ARTT 110; ARTT 210; ARTH 200 Must be taken by the end of four semesters; Take PRAXIS I

Year 3

Art Education/Studio Art Double Major, Year 3


TLPL 433: Foundations of Art Education3ARTT 4183
ARTT 3203ARTT 4283
3xx or 4xx ARTH course3EDHD 4263
Professional Writing (PW)3TLPL 437:  Practicum in Art Education: Three-Dimensional3
Submit application to professional program. TLPL 435: Art Education Methods I3
Total Credits15Total Credits15
Benchmark Requirements: TLPL 433 with 3.0 or higher; Must be completed by the end of six semesters.

Year 4

Art Education/Studio Art Double Major, Year 4
ARTT 341 or ARTT 3423TLPL 489A: Student Teaching in Elementary School: Art6
TLPL 479G: Field Experiences in Education: Education Tutoring1TLPL 489A: Student Teaching in Secondary School: Art6
TLPL 447: Art Education Methods II3TLPL 478A: Professional Seminar in Education3
TLPL 436:  Technology and Two-Dimensional Art3  
TLPL 478A: Professional Seminar in Education3  
EDSP 470 (UP)3  
Total Credits16Total Credits15
                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Degree Credits 121

Program Requirements and Major Four Year Plans

 TLPL Art Education Program Coordinator: Dr. Margaret Walker, 2219 Benjamin, mwalker8@umd.edu

 ARTT Advisor: Emily Conover, M1322 Art-Sociology, econover@umd.edu

To access Undergraduate Forms, Policies and Procedures please click here.